Wednesday, September 16, 2009



Something new! A painting for the Six by Six Gallery in NYC. I haven't received confirmation of when it will be on display, but I'll be sure to post about that.

Other exciting stuff lately:

- Getting Miss Sequential #1 into stores! If you have a suggestion of a place that might carry it, let me know. Want your own copy? I still have some! Check out the ordering info HERE.

- Working on a daily comic for the whole month of September... phew! I was so good about doing these, but am a little behind this week. I've been taking notes and I'm sure I'll get back on track. This is shaping up to be a nice little zine in itself, probably available in print sometime in October.


Anonymous said...

I love that painting!

Have you sent my copy of Miss Sequential #1 out yet? I haven't received it yet, so I just wanted to double check!

Marissa said...

hey heather! i just sent it out on monday, so it's probably still in transit :)

Kathleen Dames said...

Congratulations on the gallery gig - let me know when you come to town next.